
One summer evening, I shared an essay I had written to a group of friends who were trying their best to be Inklings of some sort. They crowded around me, leaning in, earnestly listening. Hands shaking, I held my notebook and breathed out my words— never looking up to see their faces. That is where this all started. See, it’s all very well to say that one day you’ll be a writer, and it is another thing entirely to share your work—to hope that it might mean something to someone. Yeats’ “tread softly because you tread on my dreams” never felt more true than in that moment.

Armstrong Sperry says in paraphrase that it is “all very well to dream dreams, as long as you keep them at home where they belong. “ So, if you’re in the same place, as me—unabashedly setting sail with your dreams and refusing to keep your words in a notebook at home, welcome! Let’s brave this new world of writing and authorship together. And, if you’re here, because I just submitted a piece to your magazine or publishing house, I AM GLAD YOU’RE HERE (finally). I mean, whatever; I don’t even need you.

Within these pages, you’ll find my blog—a collection of essays on life and a few poems in which I channel Mary Oliver. And then, further on, you’ll see where I have been published, because we all need street “cred.”

When I’m not writing, I’m tutoring kids, playing devil’s advocate, or building my small business (Haymaker Marketing ).

Feel free to reach out.
