Marissa Schulze Marissa Schulze


“This is your song,” she said. “I listened to this when I was pregnant and thinking of you.”

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Ignorance Is Our Bliss
Marissa Schulze Marissa Schulze

Ignorance Is Our Bliss

Walk around the lake, he suggested.

Step in and stop them, I say.

My naive friend and I

Are one and the same.

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Instagram Love, I Hate You
Marissa Schulze Marissa Schulze

Instagram Love, I Hate You

Man, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I can tell you one thing: Instagram is not helping me. If I were to take my relationship advice from Instagram, I should expect the following:

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A Brief Letter to the Persons Who Stole My Car
Marissa Schulze Marissa Schulze

A Brief Letter to the Persons Who Stole My Car

Dear Car Thieves, I like to think you are like Liam Neeson in Taken. You were racing through the streets of my town to rescue your daughter, and you needed a car, and of course, there was mine waiting for you. You may take my car, Liam Neeson.

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